Mathew Badger 45. Dudley NSW, AUS. (Owner of Surfers Earplugs Australia)

I have suffered from ear problems for over 20 years and at times have had to give up surfing completely. I have had both of my ears operated on to remove the exostoses but it grew back fast. I tried a lot of earplugs on the market and found them unreliable and would go back to BluTac which has a chemical adhesive that would irritate my ears. I began using Mighty Plugs 7 years ago, they are more malleable and comfortable than BluTac, they fit any size ears and they are made from all natural materials which nurture the skin. I am so impressed by the versatility and reliability of Mighty Plugs I have set up a business here in Australia to make them easily available for water sports lovers to try. I hope you find Mighty Plugs as helpful as I do.

Best wishes

Mathew Badger 45. Dudley NSW, AUS. (Owner of Surfers Earplugs Australia)